Meet the Focal app. It’s CM’s very own camera app.


It’s looking like Nemisis is CM’s very own camera app.

After me and every Android geek out there tryed to figure out what the hell Nemisis was and that mysterious video that everyone was taking stabs at. We had every guess from Cyanogenmod for the iPhone, CM’s own phone and a bunch of other neat ideas. Well its looking like none of those guesses were even close. As it looks, Cyanogenmod has created their very own camera app and named it Focal – AKA Nemisis.


Many of you may be thinking, its only a camera app?  Well this is actually a big deal for CM and devs that use CM as a base.  It was just recently that DxO Labs filed DMCA violations with GitHub against Cyanogenmod and other custom Roms using their code.


They’ve created a very extensive camera app that has almost all the goodies Nexus devices have. Focal has Picsphere AKA Photosphere (although you have to hit the shutter at the dots), Panarama, front and back camera shots, regular photos and video.

Here are some of the features from the pic below.

Flash mode
White balance
Scene mode
Color effects — filters, really
Exposure compensation
Color enhancements
ISO sensitivity
Burst mode
Time mode


So there you have it!  All the guessing can be put to rest with project Nemisis. Unless they have more plans on Nemisis and this is phase one. We shall see, but I’m hellofa happy with Cyanogenmods very own camera app.

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