Galaxy S4 Battery Life Tests Completed 3

GSM Arena just completed its review of the Galaxy S4′s battery. Its 2600mAh battery scored an impressive endurance rating of 63 hours. The iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 (JB) managed 51 and 50 hours on the same test. GSM Arena compiles the endurance rating from three other scores: 3G talk time, web browsing, an video playbook. The S4 excelled in these tests, scoring 13:55 on the talk time test, 8:42 on the web browsing test, and 10:16 on the video playback test. All of the scores are incredible, even when compared to the Razr MAXX and Note II, which are in a league of their own. Samsung has released a market-changing device that will redefine the phrase, “average battery life”, as we know it today.

Check out the full review:

Galaxy S3 Battery Life

iPhone 5 Battery Life

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