XDA’s Recognized developer JoelZ9614 is at it again! Keeping an older device (in Android Years) up to date.
If you ask me, which I know you are because I know everything, just ask my wife. The HTC Droid DNA will get the Sense 5 and Android version 4.2.2 update. When will that be? Who the hell knows with Verizon (guess I don’t know everything)!? Them crafty little devils over at XDA won’t let Verizon stand in their way. They rarely do.
I’ve been keeping an eye on this port for the past couple days and this is what I know about it in a nutshell. For now, this ROM will not work for Verizon (CDMA) users, but reception and data are working for GSM users. Some GSM users that flashed the ROM have said they have absolutely zero issues with the ROM and claim it to be a daily driver, while others are saying they’re getting the occasional reboot and other minor bugs. If I were on GSM, I’d be all over this ROM!
My Droid DNA is currently running XDA Recognized Developer newtorrot’s HTC One rom port with Sense 5 and Android version 4.1.2 (quick glimpse can be found here) for the past few weeks and I haven’t had a single bug or issue with it yet. Ports can be daily drivers.
So, if you like tinkering and keeping the latest versions of Android and Sense, I’d head on over to XDA and get your flash on. If tinkering under the hood of your phone isn’t your thing, like I said, Sense 5 and 4.2.2 will make it to your Precious. The HTC Butterfly (The Droid DNA’s twin brother) has gotten an update, but then again the Butterfly isn’t affiliated with Big Red.
JoelZ9614′s Xda thread with more info.
BTW. I’m not sure if JoelZ9614 is pulling our leg, but he claims to be 16. I was flashing this guys Roms back in the HTC Evo 3D days. That was 2 years ago and if my math is correct…. that would have made him 14 years old cranking out Roms for the 3D.
Here is JoelZ9614 latest post in his Droid DNA thread –
“here we go =) seems to be no reboots removed perflock and htcpnpmgr thanks to zarboz’s suggestion, also running row io scheduler, now ill work on vzw”
Not sure if that means now “it will” work on Verizon or now “I will” work on Verizon. Keep an eye on this guy’s (or kid’s) thread because he is an absolute maniac when it comes to knowing his way around Android and creating masterpieces.
Thanks for everything JoelZ9614!
I’ll be waiting for the viper teams version of Sense 5. I keep looking at roms to flash and I can’t bring myself to get rid of ViperDNA lol. It’s just so perfect and I guess I’m over the constant flashing I used to do.
I’m with you. When I find a ROM I enjoy and everything works, I generally stick with it. Now back in my OG Evo 4G days I was a flashaholic that flashed a Rom if I was bored lol. Newtoroots sense 5 ROM has been good to me on my DNA if you do branch out and try another ROM.
I tried this ROM and it was far from stable and it lacked a ton of basic functionalities. I’m excited to see what happens in the morning community when the DNA gets its official 4.2 Sense 5 Rom that HTC penises for September.
*crossing fingers*