Coming Soon:Android Device Manager to Find your Lost Android Device 1


Google today announced Android Device Manager to find your lost Android device. The service is supposed to be coming later this month. It was high time before Google announced something like this, in fact it should be an integral part of the Android Operating System.

Android Device Manager lets you quickly ring your phone at maximum volume so you can find it, even if it’s been silenced. And in the event that your phone or tablet is out of earshot (say, at that restaurant you left it at last night), you can locate it on a map in real time.

Android Device Manager can help you keep your data from ending up in the wrong hands. If your phone can’t be recovered, or has been stolen, you can quickly and securely erase all of the data on your device.

The service will be launching later this month and devices on Android 2.2 and above will be supported.


  • Praneeth Kancherla

    this is great news

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