Get 10% off MotoMaker orders with coupon code “THANKYOU10″

Get 10% off MotoMaker orders with coupon code
Looking to get a new custom Moto X since they opened it up for all four carriers? Well know you can get off an extra 10% off with Moto X with coupon code “THANKYOU10″.  This also works for full priced phones such as the developer edition for those wanting to get that bootloader unlocked.  Let ...

Change your boot image on the Moto X without root

Change your boot image on the Moto X without root
Now you can take your Moto X customization to a whole new level by changing your boot image. The boot image on the Moto X is the image right before the boot animation. Thanks to Jcase on XDA all that is needed to do this is a simple command on fastboot. Although you need root ...

Enable battery percentage without root on the Nexus 5

Enable battery percentage without root on the Nexus 5
You can now add battery percentage on the Nexus 5 without root. This is done through an ADB command but XDA member kroegerama  bundled it into an easy apk for those not familiar with ADB or if you don’t want to go through the trouble. Many people have been led to believe that Google didn’t release ...
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