Do you remember Motorola’s last foray into the tablet market? Remember how lackluster it was? Enter the Droid Xyboard 8.2 and 10.1. These tablets came out almost 2 years ago launching with Android 3.0, a.k.a. Honeycomb. They were then updated to 4.0, ICS, but then they were lost in the shuffle of the myriad of Android tablets that followed.
Starting yesterday, Verizon is trying to make up for the lackluster product that is the Xyboard line. They are updating them to Android 4.1.2, JellyBean. I know it isn’t the latest, but the new Motorola is trying their hardest to become a respectable competitor in the mobile field again. These tablets don’t have the best specs, but for the time, they were actually above average. Anyway, go ahead and try and pull down the update via Settings > About Tablet > System Updates, and rejoice in the buttery goodness that is JellyBean!
Source: Verizon

About Derek Lockovich
I work in Network Services. I love music and play a little guitar. Android is my favorite mobile OS, and it always will be as long as Google keeps pushing out fantastic products. The Nexus 4 is my smartphone and will soon be upgraded to a Nexus 5.